
The Edge of Dawn: When No One Cared, I Did!


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“A memorable retrospective that looks at a past that intrigues, inspires, and motivates, Brett’s The Edge of Dawn paints a poignant portrait of an often difficult, but eventually triumphant life, bringing into focus the ultimate importance of persistence and self-love.
Comprehensively, The Edge of Dawn by author Brett turned out to be a biography that was simultaneously enjoyable and thought-provoking. It demonstrated self-love in action by the author withstanding the many hardships he faced without much love and support, ultimately, he garnered enough love for himself to continue to rise from the ashes of unfortunate circumstances each time he came to near ruin and somehow rebuild his life.”

– Pacific Book Review

“Brett writes forcefully, explaining but not complaining about the many times he suffered unfair treatment, almost certainly based on his race. He makes the reader aware of the atmosphere of his youth-segregated schools, a military draft that disproportionately targeted black men to fight in Viet Nam, and the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.-leading at last to time when a black man could become the US President. He carefully details the circumstances he endured in his work life, the disparities between his high level of competence and the envy or bias of destructive co-workers, and his unwavering resolve to try again and again to succeed. The author takes great pride in his achievement of owning his own home after his childhood in poverty. He completes his memoir with exhortations to others to persevere and learn to make good decisions and strong choices for themselves, as he has done.”

– The US Review of Books

African American Male Living the American Dream. This is a story of my life as I remember it. I hope you will get inspired.


eBook, Hardback, Paperback


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